

Katakanlah wahai Muhammad, "Seandainya lautan menjadi tinta untuk menulis kalimat Tuhanku, maka pasti habislah lautan itu sebelum selesai kalimat Tuhanku, meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan sebanyak itu pula" -Al kahfi:110
Usai solat sunat subuh, sementara menunggu untuk solat berjemaah,aku teringat hadis daripada Nabi Muhammad saw, tentang kelebihan solat sunat sebelum subuh.
Subhanallah, baiknya Allah swt kepada kita, ganjaran yang diberi sangat banyak, tidak ternilai dengan dunia ini walau sedikit pun. Dengan sedikit amalan yang kita buat, ganjarannya berlipat kali ganda.
Sudahkah Aku Berterima Kasih ?
Pernahkah kita terfikir, layakkah kita untuk menerima ganjaran daripada ALLAH swt, sedangkan segala apa yang kita miliki hari ini, bukankah dari ALLAH swt ?. Pakaian, makan, tempat tinggal, harta, wang ringgit, keselesaan, kecerdikan diri, kesihatan dan banyak lagi nikmat yang kadang-kadang kita sendiri pun terlupa. Bukankah status kita sebagai hamba ALLAH swt, sepatutnya kita membalas segala apa yang ALLAH swt berikan kepada kita dengan melakukan ketaatan berterusan kepadanya, tanpa mengharapkan apa-apa ganjaran walaupun secebis.
Maha pemurahnya Allah swt, Maha Penyayangnya Allah swt, Allah swt tetap memberikan ganjaran kepada setiap amalan kita, walaupun sepatutnya, kita tidak layak sedikit pun, untuk menerima apa-apa ganjaran daripada Allah swt.
Sudahkah Aku Berterima Kasih ?
Kadang-kadang diri terleka, hanyut dengan arus dunia, cabaran dan dugaan yang datang silih berganti, mencabar kekuatan diri. Satu ketika, solat diringan-ringankan, maksiat dilakukan tanpa rasa bersalah, perkara mungkar dibiarkan sahaja berlaku, tanpa ada rasa benci sedikit pun, aku terlupa status sebenar sebagai seorang hamba kepada yang Maha Esa. Ampunkan aku, Ya Allah, atas segala kekhilafan diriku ini.
Aku juga selalu terlupa, segala amalan yang aku lakukan ini, tidak pernah sedikit pun akan dapat membalas segala nikmat yang engkau berikan, hatta kurniaan sepasang mata ini pun, tidak dapat dibalas oleh hambamu ini, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, walaupun dosaku bergunung-gunung banyaknya, tidak terbilang kiranya, dan aku sering sahaja melakukan dosa, tetapi engkau, Ya Allah, masih sudi nak mengampunkan dosa hambamu ini, yang memang sering melupakanmu.
Maka, sudahkah aku berterima kasih kepadamu, Ya Allah, atas segala yang engkau berikan. Pasti belum cukup, Ya Allah, tapi aku berazam akan berusaha sebaik mungkin, untuk terus berada dalam ketaatan kepadamu, agar aku diterima menjadi hambamu, yang sentiasa bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepadamu.
sumber : iluvislam.com
I struggle hard to forget the thing that had been bothering me all this time, the yearning for something that would never be achieved in the short term.
Along the process, I found myself pushing a heavy boulder uphill. It was difficult to let go of something when your heart doesn’t really want to. Just like you want to erase a carving on a solid rock. It’s possible as time goes by, but it’s detrimental to the rock itself. Or you want to remove a nail buried deep in a plank, at the end of the day you succeed to, but what you will have in your hand is a chunk of wood full of holes and rough surfaces here and there. That is why; you really need to think a lot first before carving something on the rock or hitting the nail into the wood because the repercussions is huge and will affect you for the rest of your life.
During this period, I receive my revelations. I started to see the reason why the feelings keep on attached to me. Being a teenager or to be more precise, a Muslim teenager in today’s world is not a path full of roses and fragrance. Every day in our life, we are exposed to the lifestyles and things that are not ours in the first place. Yet, we are told that it is BAD and we are NOT to follow it.
We put a plate filled with grilled fishes in front of a stray cat sitting on the floor. When it tries to reach it, we beat and kick it. Ironic.
People fell in love. In the first year or several month , it was beautiful. The feeling was unexplainable, it was like high on drugs. Second year, it transformed into feeling of attachment. The passion that was felt before lessen. It turns into something more to responsibility. Responsibility to finish what had been started. And during this phase, some relationships broke.
“Love begins with a smile, grows with an embrace, & ends with a teardrop, if it's not for the sake of Allah”
True enough. And the cycle goes on and on. Met new person, fell , and the same thing happens. Where’s the end of it?
That left me asking again , why do we need to have this desire?
Why we want to love and be loved?
Why we are sad when someone important in our live leave us alone when we needed them the most?
Why do we cry when someone which meant so much to us left us or die?
Why do people kept buying cosmetics products and spent thousands of dollars to look beautiful and young?
Why do we want the feeling that we felt , the people around us,and the life that we had to last forever?
Because WE ARE NOT CREATED to live in this world.
Our nature does not allow us to live in tranquility in this world.
We are created to long for something eternal. Something that will last forever. And we cannot find it here. This temporary world is not our true home, not the place where our nature will be satisfied.The only place that we will finally feel content is there. There’s no use of searching it here.
Don’t blame them for leaving you. Don’t blame them for not caring for you anymore. Don’t blame the products that you use or the workout that you do. But blame yourself.
If you lean against a branch and it broke and you fell , can you blame the tree?
If you put a vase at the corner of a table , it fell and shatters into pieces, can you blame the gravity?
No. Because it’s your fault. Your fault that you are depending upon something which is temporary. You put your dependence on people, you let people define how you feel and how you act . And that’s why you bear the consequences.
Depend on the One. The Eternal One. The All-Knowing One. The One that can do anything that He wants.
If you have friends, don’t expect them to fill your emptiness.
If you get married, don’t hope your spouse will fulfill all your needs.
If you ever fell in love, don’t act beyond His limits, because you know that He is the one who bestows the feeling and He can take it anytime.
If you think that you have a nice look and a pretty face, know that it came from Him.
If you are sad because someone left you, know that He sends people in your life to hurt you so that you will grow, to teach you that you may know or to spend time with you for the rest of your life.
He is the Hills, and He is the Sea.
Everything flows from Him and goes back to Him.
p/s :
1) bercinta itu tidak salah. cinta itu fitrah. tetapi bagaimana kita memandu cinta itu agar tidak menjadi cinta terlarang. jangan dibiarkan cinta yang suci itu bersulam noda sebelum sampai waktu halal baginya. pintalah padaNya, kerana Dia Maha Mengetahui.
2) jangan bergantung harap pada manusia sepenuhnya !
3) dunia ini hanyalah tempat persinggahan. jika kita kejar dunia, dunia akan lari tinggalkan kita. jika kita kejar akhirat, dunia pasti kejar kita.
Cintakan bunga, bunga kan layu,
Cintakan dunia, dunia kan fana,
Cintakan manusia, manusia kan pergi,
Cintakan Allah, kekal abadi.
9 Januari 2012,
9.55 pm,
Az-zagazig As-syarqiah
sumber : iluvislam.com